Welcome to LATIN INVEST. We stand for passionate project development and holistic management of real estate investments. Our Compnay offers attractive institutional investment products. What drives us is the enthusiasm for holistic solutions and the search for value creation with substance. For us, each project is as individual as the associated needs. Our expertise and experience are our capital, our team our pride. This is how we make great things possible every day.

Mauricio Claver-Carone

President Interamerican-Developmentbank

“If I were a foreign investor, I would invest in Paraguay.”

Why invest in Paraguay?

Young and competitive workforce

Paraguay is home to one of the youngest working populations in Latin America, with an average age of 26. This coupled with low regulation and low labor costs, makes Paraguay one of the most competitive locations for employers. In addition, after a significant increase in English proficiency in recent years, Paraguay ranks among the top five nations in the region, making it an even more attractive location for international companies looking to expand into Latin America.

Strong returns in Real Estate

The Real Estate sector in Paraguay is one of the strongest on the continent, and investment returns are often significantly higher than in other neighboring markets, supported by a low-tax system where VAT, personal and corporate income taxes are capped at a top rate of 10%. These attractive circumstances and opportunities have led to an influx of local capital and investment in recent years, especially from neighboring Argentina.

An increasingly international orientation

While Paraguay remained economically isolated from the outside world until the 1980s, the country is now adopting an international orientation that seeks to encourage foreign investment. As a result, extensive trade agreements have recently been reached with China and the United States, making it much easier and cheaper to export Paraguayan goods to the world’s two largest markets.

Ease of doing business

Paraguay is a business-friendly country that not only strongly encourages foreign direct investment, but also operates an economic regime that makes it easy for foreign companies to invest in it. Including no history of seizures or sudden changes in investment rules, a robust set of labor laws, and strict protection of intellectual and physical property, giving investors considerable confidence and peace of mind. The country’s business creation process involves minimal bureaucracy, as well as a well-established industrial base for manufacturing companies and a growing innovation sector.


Projects for you 

Asunción I

Pebble beach, CA 93953

3 BD | 2.5 BA | 2015 SQFT



Carmel, CA 93940

3 BD | 1 BA | 2,000 SQFT



San Jose, CA 93921

3 BD | 3.5 BA | 3,886 SQFT



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LATIN INVEST E.A.S. Unipersonal

Gerente: Jan Hagen Pfeiffer

Correo electrónico



Sargento Silva 896, San Lorenzo, Paraguay

Teléfonos de contacto

LATAM +595 985 925 050

UE: +49 7148 9659 622

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